Spring 2021 Update


To Our Friends and Donors,

The current uncertainties surrounding COVID - vaccine availability, new variants, travel restrictions, quarantine requirements in Canada - change with each passing month. Given these factors, and considering the impact of the virus on our host countries and the safety of our team members and patients, Operation Walk Canada is not able to plan or move forward with missions in 2021.

We are committed to returning to Ecuador and Guatemala in 2022. The healthcare systems and resources in these countries are very limited and continue to face serious, perhaps even unrecoverable setbacks with the ongoing impact of COVID. In the meantime, the need for surgery of patients suffering from debilitating joint disease will not diminish.

While we cannot fulfill our Mission mandate this year, Operation Walk Canada will continue to support our host institutions. In Guatemala, we have provided funding to bolster the healthcare infrastructure at Hermano Pedro; at the same time, in Ecuador, we have partnered with other charities to purchase an instrument sterilization autoclave for San Juan de Dios Hospital. Here is an excerpt from a letter of thanks from our colleagues in Guatemala:


“Right now, Guatemalans in need of medical care are facing more challenges than ever in our country. The patients who come through the doors of our hospital and centers truly have no other place to turn. Thanks to your support, we can continue our healing work, so THANK YOU very much.”


We’re also happy to report on the impact of the new Autoclave:


“The autoclave is in operation. The surgery volume has increased 20% already; 400 patients from the social security system have been transferred to the San Juan Hospital. Everyone is very thankful and waiting for the missions to come.”


We thank you for your continued loyal support as we attempt to make a difference from afar during these uncertain times.

The Board of Directors, Operation Walk Canada


Operation Walk